
All workshops are based on professional experience – as a teacher and head teacher supporting troubled children and their families was a very important part of my work;

on personal experience as a main family carer when my adult daughter developed anorexia nervosa, binge/purge type;

plus over the years talking to hundreds, possibly thousands, of other family members on national and local tel support lines (NEEDS Scotland, b-eat, formerly EDA, Samaritans) as well as many professionals at meetings and conferences;

and experience working in professional groups on various projects e.g. CD Rom, and on much reading and research as well as interviews to inform my non-fiction writing.

For more details see pages on this website ‘About Me’ and ‘ Writing – non-fiction’


Professionals and Families

‘Professional/Family Communication’ – Building Constructive Conversations to help coordinate ongoing care and support for an individual with a condition which involves ‘challenging behaviour’ e.g. alcoholism, drugs-related, eating disorders and other compulsive/addictive conditions.

This practical workshop includes –

How to give and receive information without breaking confidentiality

Working with Families – What information do family members need to enable them to fulfil their caring role?

Ensuring Family Carers Survive – to continue caring




Family Carers

Coming Up for Air’  or how to survive stressful times…

This practical workshop includes –

Finding support – who, where, when…and how to find it?


What would help YOU?

How to find, or even start, a support group




For more information, email me via my contact form or contact Gráinne Smith on 01569 787189 – usually at this number most mornings, Mondays to Fridays, 10 a.m – 12 noon UK time.

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