Who needs info?


For any professional (whether teacher or doctor, social worker or mental health nurse or any other professional whose work involves supporting vulnerable people), to provide the best assessment and diagnosis of needs and next steps towards addressing those needs, the right tools and equipment will be needed.

This may involve :

  • information given by available technology
  • reading reports written by previous involved professionals
  • giving instructions on best follow-up care
  • good communication skills
    e.g. how to ask the right questions of patients; how to offer support when sharing sensitive info, talking to those who will offer patients ongoing care.

In some situations, information may be exchanged between :

  • patient/client/student and professional
  • professional and other professionals involved in ongoing support for the same vulnerable individual
  • professional and family member(s)
  • family members giving important info to professional

Home Carers

Home carers need information about any condition or illness affecting the life – both present and future – of a loved one, and also information about how best to help and effectively support.

When ‘Challenging Behaviour’ enters the picture information about common behaviours, and how best to respond, and what to try not to do, is also needed.

Professionals working with children and young people under the age of legal adulthood, usually involve families and other home carers in discussing how best to develop the most effective all round care possible.

When a young person becomes legally adult, at 16, 18 or 21 depending on country and area, no personal information may be given by a professional without that person’s consent; only general information may be given about the illness or condition, and best responses to difficult behaviour, what to try not to do.