Practical workshops for family and other home carers

A trained teacher and workshop presenter,  I worked for many years with Grampian Region Education Department, both in primary schools, teaching, training and supporting teachers as well as children.  I now design and present workshops in my main areas of interest – the importance of building 24/365 collaborative and coordinated care through good communication, both within a family or other home care giving team; family/professional collaboration; and How To build collaboration and coordination through good communication in your own situation. Whatever the situation, without that all-important effective communication and collaboration unfortunately care-giving is much more likely to be haphazard and less effective.

All workshops are practical and involve discussing real-life individual situations, possibilities and approaches –

‘Dealing With Difficult Behaviours’
Help to motivate the sufferer, build and rebuild self esteem – and survive.

‘Coming Up for Air’
Stress, distress and survival on the very long road (if carers don’t look after themselves there will be no-one to support the sufferer)

‘Motivating Moments’
Grab those rational moments and use them to help build motivation towards recovery.

‘Family Team Working’
Co-ordinating efforts to maximise positive efforts towards recovery – HOW to build effective all-round care within a family or other home group?

‘Tips, Techniques and Strategies..’
Workshop towards finding what works in your situation, through effective communication and open discussion.

‘Building and Rebuilding Self Esteem…’
A workshop towards finding this very important key to encouraging positive efforts towards recovery.


Practical workshops for professionals working in a wide range of illnesses and conditions/specialities:
‘Issues of Communication – destructive or constructive, effective or not?’

‘Practical Teamwork – 24 hour Best Care. Is this possible?  How?’

‘ What about Confidentiality?’

‘Teamwork – Professionals Working with Families, Building Constructive Conversations to Support Vulnerable People’