My new book – publication date!

Publication date for ‘Surviving Family Care Giving’


Over recent months (well over a year!!), I have really enjoyed all the reading and research and, most of all, the many interviews which have gone into work on my new book, now named Surviving Family Care Giving:  Coordinating Effective Care through Collaborative Communication.

As the book is about communication – and how to build good all-round communication to create the most effective home care possible – rather than about any particular illness or health condition – I have met with and listened to the individual stories of many other people who are caring for a loved one with long-term physical or mental health or emotional problems, often over long periods of time and in difficult circumstances.  These real-life stories form the backbone of my book.

And I’m delighted to know now that Surviving Family Care Giving.. will be published by Routledge in October 2014.  Chapters include

  • Home care givers – themes in common
  • Collaborative care
  • Challenging behaviour  
  • Teamwork – how?                                                     
  • Communication                                                                                   
  • Confidentiality                                                                                    
  • Motivation                                                                                                     
  • Information and Resources                                                  
  • Carer survival

Just one of the endorsements I’m delighted to have received for ‘Surviving Family Care Giving’, from Professor Richard Kreipe –

Having a loved one with a chronic illnesses requiring intensive in-home care can tear families apart.  To focus on keeping family members connected and working together as a team, this book transcends trendy illness-specific how-to guides regarding caring for a family member by detailing cross-cutting care issues clearly and succinctly. Based on decades of personal and professional experience, as well as support of scientific evidence, the concept of collaborative communication comes to life as practical, useful advice that provides both hope and comfort.

Richard E. Kreipe, MD, FAAP, FSAHM, FAED

Professor of Pediatrics, Elizabeth R. McAnarney University of Rochester