Whatever project we undertake – whether paid or voluntary, regular and planned or unexpected emergency, setting up a new business venture, building a house or feeding a family for a month – adequate resources are a crucial factor to its success – or otherwise.
For instance, what would be needed to build even the simplest shed? Wood? A saw or other implement to cut the wood into lengths? Something to measure the lengths, make sure they are the lengths needed? A hammer? Nails? Hinges? What would/could we do if any of these were missing? What about instructions? Information about best wood to use/angle of cuts to wood, etc?
The same is true when caring for anyone who is in a vulnerable condition whether during a short term severe bout of flu, or long term chronic physical illness, terminal cancer, whether a relatively short term reactive depression after e.g. bereavement, or long term chronic anorexia affecting many lives over decades. The same is true whether professional or home carer.