Recent developments…

Over the last weeks since my new book with Routledge was published, life has been very good, very interesting and very very busy! The Aberdeen launch at Waterstones went very well – great to hear that all the people there felt that it would be helpful in their own home care situations, all very different.

And recently I met with a group of Stonehaven home care givers, again all supporting a loved one in a wide variety of situations. A main frustration and talking point that day concerned recent changes in government policies and how they are affecting home carers as well as their loved ones…

When several departments are involved in caring for a vulnerable loved one, coordinating all-round care between departments as well as with involved family care givers seems to be causing problems unforeseen when those rules were drawn up.

As so often happens, BUILDING GOOD COMMUNICATION BETWEEN EVERYONE INVOLVED IS THE KEY. Not easy, especially when rules have been written without getting everyone involved round the table to discuss possible problems and how best to tackle them…before they happen.

Another interesting project has involved being asked to write some white papers on ‘5 ways to help a loved one with ….’ to be distributed for discussion at various conferences during e.g. National Carers Week.
Whatever the illness or condition involved, no matter what the situation or condition involved, again – BUILDING GOOD COMMUNICATION BETWEEN EVERYONE INVOLVED – the main theme of ‘Surviving Family Care Giving – IS THE KEY.