Archives Episode

05 Family Teamwork (part 1)

Family teamwork. Why working as a team can be more effective than working as individuals. What can be done to improve a team.

Grainne Smith
Working Together Care Podcasts
05 Family Teamwork (part 1)

04 Challenging behaviour

What is challenging behaviour? This podcast talks about identification, observation and methods you can use to approach and talk about challenging behaviour.

Grainne Smith
Working Together Care Podcasts
04 Challenging behaviour

02 Communication (part 1)

Each care giving situation is different, but they all have themes in common. This podcast discusses frustration, difficult behaviour and ways to communicate calmly with a positive aim and outcome in mind.

Grainne Smith
Working Together Care Podcasts
02 Communication (part 1)

01 Introduction

Each care giving situation is different, but they all have themes in common. Please have a listen to this podcast to find out whether my experience matches your situation and decide whether this series explaining how to build the most effective coordinated care possible through constructive communication and collaborative care is for you.

Grainne Smith
Working Together Care Podcasts
01 Introduction