Now that my new non-fiction book ‘Surviving Family Care Giving: coordinating effective care through collaborative communication’ has been published by Routledge and is now on the shelves in USA as well as UK, e.g. at…
Browsing Category Writing – non-fiction
My passion is writing in all forms of communication, including writing as therapy.
Book launch…
I’m already preparing for my Aberdeen book launch and presentation – 7 p.m. on Wednesday 12th November 2014 at Waterstones Union Bridge Bookshop. I hope lots of folk will accept my invitation to come along…
Open University conference presentation
At the recent inter-university conference ‘Real Lives; Real Difference’ in Stirling, I was part of our OU Service Users and Carers Development Group presentation on the work of the group over the years since the…
Final stages of my new book…
Life has been incredibly busy over the last months as I’ve worked on the last revisions and editing of my new book for family and other informal carers before I send it off to the…
Readings, writing and more writing…
Life has been really hectic over last weeks…or is that months?! Reading some of my stories and poems very recently at performances organised by Lemon Tree Writers at the Carmelite (what a wonderful venue in…
Mearns fm interview
Beforehand – I felt quite daunted to think of an hour-long interview on Mearns fm radio about my non-fiction writing! Elaine May Smith, the programme presenter, helped make things much easier – with Elaine I…
Trip to Canada…
Slowly adjusting after my recent trip to Canada to visit my sister Mo, her husband Jim and my 3 lovely nieces! Great beginning to the trip when I met up en route with our other…